Essex Agricultural Society


As of January 1, 2024 and on:                         

  • Lifetime Membership $500         
  • Annual Membership $50


The Topsfield Fair is owned and operated by the Essex Agricultural Society, a non-profit organization consisting of approximately 1,321 members. The Essex Agricultural Society is dedicated to the following task: “To encourage, promote and preserve Essex County agricultural activities and to educate the general public regarding their importance. We strive to do this in an atmosphere of fun and excitement through the medium of the Topsfield Fair.” A Lifetime Membership in the Society costs $500.00. Annual memberships cost $50.00. The Society is governed by an elected executive board.

Download the Application: EAS Member Application

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 134, Topsfield, MA 01983


The Essex Agricultural Society is a non-profit corporation.
All donations are welcome and tax-deductible.

*The lifetime membership is non-transferable, non-refundable, and expire upon the death of the lifetime member, and may only be used by the lifetime member named. Any misuse or violation of our terms and conditions may result in immediate termination of your membership without refund.


Executive Board Member 2025

Board of Directors

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